CSR and Environmental Activities

Highly transparent and sound enterprise with reliable and safe hotels assuring peace of mind

Promotion of Compliance

Tokyu Hotels aims to be an enterprise promoting the highest standards of corporate governance and ethics. Management and employees not only comply with the law but proactively and ethically work on environmental issues and fulfill social responsibility. To assure full compliance and nip in the bud any policy breaches, we maintain a compliance consultation counter and internal reporting system.

Promotion of Social Contribution Activities

In support of our local community and its values, we pursue a variety of social contribution activities. Tokyu Hotels commits to participation in community events like those for sports and music as well as environmental beautification efforts while promoting attractive features of the community as rigorously as we do for our hotels. As an expression of gratitude to residents who graciously accept our presence, we perform our role as good corporate citizens by assuring all operations have a positive impact on the community at large and locally.

Promotion of Proactive Support of Environmental Sustainability

As a party pursuing efforts to minimize environmental footprint and impact, acknowledging the intensification of global environmental issues, all employees proactively work on those issues through activities immediately related to our company and its corporate activities. Specific support efforts include enforcement of resource sorting and recovery, raising recycling ratio, promotion of green coin purchasing, and continuous reduction of power usage and OA paper usage.

Green Coin Program

This program strives to lower global environmental impact through activities close to ourselves, such as decreasing the number of toothbrushes and razors used daily in the hotels. We ask guests to put a Green Coin for each unused amenity in a collection box at the front desk. Funds equal to collected coins are donated throughout the year to two forestation activities: Children’s Forest Program; and Tokyu Hotels Green Coin Forest Program, the latter done in cooperation with Tabayama Village, Yamanashi Prefecture.

Children's Forest Program

The program aims to inspire children in the Asia-Pacific region to value nature and to promote global forestation through planting seedlings on school premises and elsewhere.

Tokyu Hotels Green Coin Forests Program

This program fosters and sustains trees of the water conservation forest, in cooperation with the local government of Tabayama Village.